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Autonomous driving - Car detection

自动驾驶 - 车辆检测

Autonomous driving - Car detection 本次编程作业主要基于吴恩达的深度学习课程(4.3 目标检测)以及以下两篇论文:Redmon et al., 2016 以及 Redmon and Farhadi, 2016。 1 问题描述 Build a car detection system There are images gathered that hav......

Sequence Models


什么是序列模型 Sequences are a data structure where each example could be seen as a series of data points. This sentence: “I am currently reading an article about sequence modeling with Neural Networks”......


最近在学校的发展规划处参加了一小部分代码的编写工作,还好python还算简单,磕磕绊绊也算是把任务完成了。但是在毫无Python编程基础的情况下,开发过程中难免遇到问题。下面是我在程序编写的过程中遇到的问题,有些是对Python语言特性不熟悉而产生的问题,有些是自己对代码逻辑没搞懂而遇到的问题。 1 用Python操作Excel 1.1 读 import xlrd cwd = os......

[Hexo] Theme BeanTech

This is hexo theme Demo.

Ported Theme of Hux Blog, Thank Huxpro for designing such a flawless theme. This BeanTech theme created by YuHsuan modified from the original Porter Kaijun Live Demo Usage I publish the whole ......